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On Going Project Software Department Special Projects Department

Design, development and implementation of radio service licensing system (TEYF)

  • Project Manager

    Mohammadreza Zaboli

  • Implementation Date


  • Number Of Staff


  • Project execution time

    28 Month

  • Number of Province



This is one of the company’s Hi-Tech projects . “TEYF” or spectrum management system is a tool for optimal use of radio spectrum without causing harmful radio interference. System has components to perform: administrative operations and initial processing, technical calculations, connecting to radio hardware and the relevant electronic database.
The aim of the system is to improve the structure of the existing radio device database and to provide efficient software tools for storing information and using it to implement and control the administrative-technical processes of spectrum management in all radio services.
As a result the integrated set of office-technical software and field measuring devices will not only enable the management of demand and frequency supply processes, but will also facilitate awareness of the current situation and planning for the future.